

所在地: 北京
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-12-19 07:12
瀏覽次數(shù): 352


Project Name: National Offshore Oil and Gas Emergency Rescue Bohai (Tianjin)base Equipment Procurement Project?


Name of Goods: Subsea ROV System Equipment

日    期:2019年 12 月 17日

Date : December17, 2019

招標編號(Bid No.):0704-1940JDCP0674/01

1. 中化建國際招標有限責任公司(以下稱為“招標代理機構(gòu)”)受中海油能源發(fā)展股份有限公司(以下稱為“招標人”)委托,就國家海上油氣應(yīng)急救援渤海(天津)基地裝備采購項目所需部分貨物及相關(guān)服務(wù)進行國際公開招標。現(xiàn)邀請投標人對下列貨物和服務(wù)提交密封投標:

CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “theTendering Agent”), entrusted by  CNOOC Energy Development Co. Ltd..(hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” ), intends to purchase the Goods and the?relevant services required under National Offshore Oil and gas emergency rescue?Bohai (Tianjin) base equipment procurement Project?by International Competitive?Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requested to provide the following Goods and?services with sealed bids.


Name of Goods: Subsea ROV system equipment


Quantity: one (1)sets




10 months after signing the contract,

交貨地點Destination?of delivery:


Cisborder: CNOOC Well Control Center, Tanggu, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China


Overseas: Tianjin?Port,P.R.China

2. 對投標人的資格和業(yè)績要求:

Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:


Requirements of Certificate of Bidder


The Bidder should?promise the Subsea ROV system equipments are produced and assembled to skid inits brand own manufactory. Overseas bidder promise to provide certificate oforigin. The purchaser does not accept the OEM product.


If the Bidder is?the manufacturer's agent of the bidding products, authorized agent?qualification of the manufacturer in China, or authorized agent qualification?of China, and provide the authorized agent certificate within the validity?period when bidding.


Requirement for Bidder's reference:

投標人所投標產(chǎn)品的制造商在全球范圍內(nèi)合同交貨期規(guī)定在2014年1月1日-2018年12月31日期間的銷售業(yè)績(200馬力(含)以上,作業(yè)水深不低于(含)3000米)ROV的數(shù)量?2 套(含)以上。投標人投標時,需提供銷售合同的關(guān)鍵頁復(fù)印件。

In?recent years (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018) (delivery time agreed inthe contract), the manufacturer of the bidder's bidding products has sold more?than 2 sets (including?2)of ROV with more than 200 horsepower (including?200?horsepower) and?operating water depth not less than  3000 meters(including?3000?meters)?all?over?the?world. When bidding, the?bidder shall provide a copy of the key pages of the sales contract.


The?copy of contract shall contain but not?limited to: delivery time agreed in the contract, equipment name, quantity,?Main?specifications?and models(more than 200 horsepower(including),operating water depth not less than 3000m), and Contract?signing page. Absence of the track records evidence documents or the?failure toverify above foregoing information, that shall be counted as an invalid?performance.

3. 有興趣的投標人可通過以下方式獲取招標文件:從2019年12月17日開始至2019年12月27日止,請登錄中國海洋石油集團有限公司采辦業(yè)務(wù)管理與交易系統(tǒng)(的招標公告頁面進行購買。首次登錄必須先進行注冊(免費),注冊成功后,方可購買招標文件。購買過程必須全程在線操作,線下形式的匯款將不予接受。標書費支付成功后,投標人可自行下載招標文件。招標文件每套售價為2000元人民幣或350美元,售后不退。如未在系統(tǒng)中購買招標文件,不可參加投標。

The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please?login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System ( on the?page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document from Dec.17, 2019 toDec?27, 2019. For the first time of login, a registration (free of charge) is?needed and only after successful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding?documents online. The whole purchasing process must be operated online and?offline payment will not be accepted. After successful payment of RMB 2000.00or USD 350.00 for each copy of Bidding documents which is non-refundable,?Bidder may download the Bidding documents. Bidder fails to purchase Bidding?documents online is not eligible to bid.

4. 投標文件遞交截止時間和地點:所有投標文件都應(yīng)附有按規(guī)定提交的投標保證金,并于2020年01月7日上午9:30(北京時間)前遞交至北京市東城區(qū)東直門外小街6號海油大廈4樓會議室。在此時間后收到的投標文件恕不接受。

The deadline and place for submission of bid: All bids must be accompanied by a?bid security as specified and must be delivered to 4th floor meeting room,CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing100027, P.R. China at or before9:30 am (Beijing Time) on January 7, 2019. Any bid beyond?the required time and date shall be subject for rejection.

5. 開標時間:2020年01月7日上午9:30(北京時間)

Bid opening time: 9:30 am (Beijing Time) on January 7,?2020

6. 開標地點:北京市東城區(qū)東直門外小街6號海油大廈4樓會議室

Bid?opening place: 4th floor meeting room, CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie,Dongcheng District, P. R. China.

7. 本次招標公告同時在中國國際招標網(wǎng)站(和中海油采辦業(yè)務(wù)管理與交易系統(tǒng)(上發(fā)布。

This Invitation for Bids will be published on China International Biddingwebsite ( ?and China National?Offshore Oil Corporation Procurement Platform ( at the?same time.

8. 網(wǎng)上購買招標文件和網(wǎng)上投標資訊電話:4000704666

Service telephone for online purchase bidding documents and submission of bid:4000704666.

招 標 人:中海油能源發(fā)展股份有限公司

Tenderee: CNOOC Energy Development Co. Ltd..

地  址:天津市塘沽區(qū)渤海石油路688號海洋石油大廈B座A311   郵編:300452

Address: No.688,Bohai Oil Road,Tanggu,Tianjin,PRC, 300452


Contact Person: Mr. Li Hongping




Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地   址:北京市東城區(qū)東直門外小街6號海油大廈四層,郵編100027

Address: Floor 4 CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District,Beijing100027, P. R. China

聯(lián) 系 人:王燕

Contact Person: Ms. Wang Yan

電話/Tel :+86 10 84527979

傳真/Fax :+86 10 84525973


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